A2B Direct - Custom Software Development - Agilistrysoft

A2B Direct


A2B Direct is a B2B logistics marketplace that brings together cargo owners (customers) and freight forwarders (carriers). It brings the simplicity of Uber-like apps into the complex world of freight logistics. The A2B platform allows direct interaction between the carrier and the cargo owner at all stages of cargo delivery.



The main problem of cargo transportation is half-empty trucks. Due to the lack of a mechanism that would connect the goods of different cargo owners, the trucks are not fully loaded which transforms into profit losses due to inefficient fuel consumption and carrier time.


A2B Direct


A2B Direct is a B2B logistics marketplace that brings together cargo owners (customers) and freight forwarders (carriers). It brings the simplicity of Uber-like apps into the complex world of freight logistics. The A2B platform allows direct interaction between the carrier and the cargo owner at all stages of cargo delivery.



Create an algorithm for combining loads of different owners in one truck.



Combining several customer requests into a single order based on the date, destination, type of cargo, urgency, etc. The complex algorithm processing request while building an efficient route for the most optimal delivery time and distributed cargo load.



Automatic determination of optimal rates for the client and the carrier. Pricing algorithm updates future rates automatically based on previous successful delivery.

Collaboration with drivers

Collaboration with drivers

If the system recognizes that a new cargo request is on the route of a specific truck, A2B sends a notification to the carrier with the option to pick up the cargo.

Flexible Pricing and bidding

Flexible Pricing and bidding

Our system picks the driver based on the best-offered quote in an anonymous competition.

Integrated management system

Integrated management system

Such as RabbitMQ, A2B platform consolidates accounting, logistics, finance, and insurance documentation in one place for convenience and efficiency.


A2B modularized architecture enables continuous optimization of existing features and addition of new ones without drastic consequences of existing functionality.

Application management service

The service processes the application, auto-completes the fields, and determines whether it can be used in the LTL algorithm.

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